Mobile Peering

What is Mobile Peering?

Mobile Peering is an open interconnecting solution that allows mobile providers and others to securely peer their global roaming data. When done through an internet exchange platform, they can offer their customers added value in a cost-effective way.

How Does Mobile Peering Work?

Mobile peering allows mobile operators to connect to the IX. This can be done by connecting to a physical port at the IX or by connecting to the IX over a virtual private network (VPN). Once connected to the IX, mobile operators create peering sessions with each other. A peering session is a connection between two networks that allows them to exchange traffic. Once peering sessions are created, mobile operators can start exchanging traffic. Traffic is then exchanged between mobile operators in a way that is similar to how traffic is exchanged between any two networks that are connected to an IX.

To learn more about our mobile peering service, please click here